
  • One man, many bombs, space travel, and a young apprentice that will blow your socks (and everything else) right off your body. That is, of course, if you have a body left.

  • Close your eyes for a moment. Imagine that you are sitting on a sidewalk. It is hot out and a parade is passing you by. A marching band approaches and you hear this noise:

    May Day
  • Okay, I have a confession to make. With the notable exceptions of Jack Dee and Eddie Izzard, I really don’t like stand up comedy. I’m not sure why I have this block. Maybe it’s because I’m blessed with a group of friends who can make me cry with laughter. These individuals are funny spontaneously in real life, with no script. So, seeing someone stand at a microphone repeating over-rehearsed material seems kind of flat and boring to me.

    Amatuer Night of the Living Dead, who the hell is this guy?
  • "Andrea Thompson":
    is an urban cougar. She is hot, she can spin words together faster than the urban male can think them and she has loads of talent, presence, and is dedicated to the spoken word art form.

  • Thank God. After a number of train wrecks I finally get to see a Fringe show that works. Wild Rose is the story of Tellula Rose, a delusional cosmetics sales clerk who is hoping to get discovered and find fame as a fashion model.

    Wild Rose
  • "We reveal ourselves with every preference," writer and performer TJ Dawe repeated several times within his latest Fringe show Totem Figures.  In this one-man show, Dawe, in rapid-fire monologue fashion, revealed himself by sharing his mythologies, heroes and preferences, and a whole lot more.

    TJ Dawe on a voyage of discovery at a fringe festival near you
  • Dude, Learning the Game is awesome!  I was totally blown away by this play, which is beautifully written by Canadian playwright Janice Salkeld, and performed by Megan Leach with amazing energy and skill.

    She's learning the game
  • I confess to you that after a hard night of reviewing Fringe shows I come home to a small, half-trained, female chimpanzee and I have my way with her.

    Report to an Academy & Plank Magazine - we take you to dark places
    I’m at The Terraces Retirement Residence on 7th avenue, in a carpeted activity room, waiting for this double-bill by the On Cue Players to begin. I’m almost alone in the audience.

    Higher Window and Marriage Proposal, open window and a plank reviewer = bad combination
  • Jem Rolls is most truly a performance poet.  At 46 years of age and garbed in a red shirt, white pants and black shoes, he looks like a younger and very British version of George Carlin.

    Jem Rolls with it
