vancouver playhouse

UPDATE for Playhouse Theatre Closure (courtesy of Facebook)

I received an invitation via Facebook to a Vancouver Playhouse Rally planned for tonight at 7pm the Vancouver Playhouse to honour the company's history on the night of its final performance. The suggestion is for those attending to wear white, bring flashlights to shine at the theatre and show solidarity.  Why?

Author Name: 
Allyson McGrane
Photograph Caption: 
Playhouse not FOREVER

With his writing, Ernest Hemingway wanted to create the sense that the lives of his characters continued on before and after the narratives he created; to achieve a sense of looking at a snapshot in the lives of real people rather than providing characters whose actions conformed to demands of plot or theme. With This, currently on at the Vancouver Playhouse, Melissa James Gibson, evokes a similar created reality: it is as if we are dropped into the world of her characters – in this case, educated, mid-lifers, living in New York – and then suddenly pulled out as their...

This with Megan Follows and Karen Holness

For a generation that believes that M Night Shyamalan invented the trick ending, the Vancouver Playhouse has resurrected a modernist narrative experiment that proves that story-telling trickery has been with us for a long time.

Dangerous Corner: in the library with a wrench