russell bennett

Oh my god I have to write a review! It’s 10am, the Sunday after seeing the play What You Want on Friday night at the Havana Theatre, and I still haven’t written the damn review.

Andrew, I sympathize. What to write? How to write it? The never ending torture a writer must go through.

Random notes I took while watching the play:

  • Entertaining, Funny, Quirky  
  • I laughed A LOT (use another word)
  • Learned about a new term – ASV (Anal Sex Virgin) – can people really do that on Craigslist? Could I do that? What am I thinking?!
  • ...
Russell Bennett in What You Want

Playwright Andrew Templeton returned to Vancouver after a fifteen-year absence and What You Want is the almost-true story of what he got.  He has written himself into the play, and the cast takes turns playing him, themselves and their characters.  Actors Rachel Aberle, Gillian Bennett, Russell Bennett and Sean Tyson, ramp up the comedy when they bicker about whether they’re actually improvising or if their improvised rebellion is merely scripted dialogue. The pacing is brisk and precise and the delivery naturalistic.

On a bare stage, with just a few boxes to perch on, we’re introduced to Dave and Laura, Starling...

Gillian Bennett in What You Want