robert lepage

Few would dispute the fact that Robert Lepage is Canada’s most celebrated stage director, and a global brand unto himself. Lepage is such a powerhouse that it is quite surprising to see him take on a far less dominant and much more vulnerable role in the multidisciplinary spectacle that is Eonnagata. This is not to say that Lepage is unaccustomed to a collaborative creative process, in fact he is the first to admit that his company, Ex Machina, is littered with artistic minds in whose instincts he trusts. Eonnagata is nevertheless a departure for Lepage - although given the...

Russell Maliphant

Like anyone who has seen a production by theatrical genius Robert Lepage, I’ve come to expect, and to love, his stage wizardry and to be riveted by his brilliant theatrical sleight of hand and how he uses the elements of the stage as though they were utterly malleable, transformable. 

Robert Lepage in the Blue Dragon

Robert Lepage: In Coversation (and it's free!!)

Andrew Templeton

I've had the pleasure of attending a couple of talks that Robert Lepage has given in the past. He's an amazing, gracious speaker and if you're at all interested in theatre and its potential you should really check out the free talk that the UBC Department of Theatre and Film are presenting. Details below: