the cultch

It didn't faze me that I had just inhaled a couple of burgers and was on my way to the Cultch to see a show about food, fat and fitness. I'm also sure most guys would have done the same thing.  The only time I am thinking about food as a negative only happens when I've eaten so much that I can't zip up my jeans and I have to go out. I'm all about food. If I could I would be a full time eater-of-food...or maybe a food critic...hmmm...

Now, let's change the POV.  What about women? What thoughts...

Why Weight

On the night I saw Dr Egg and the Man with No Ear the audience was resolutely adult. This is a shame because this Australian production, which was re-staged recently in Chicago and is currently on at the Cultch, would be a great introduction for young people to the power of theatre to create beautiful and evocative imagery. The visual flair that the production exhibits – which ranges from crisp projections (animated by Jamie Clennett) through to puppets (built by Graeme Davis) to the clever set and costume (designed by Jonathon Oxlade), all supported by a wonderful musical score (by...

Dr Egg

Is there a Mump without Smoot? This and more philosophical questions hide among the crevices of Cracked the final show in the Cultch’s 2009/10 season.

Mump and Smoot