Why Weight: an existential journey into food, fat and fitness

Why Weight

It didn't faze me that I had just inhaled a couple of burgers and was on my way to the Cultch to see a show about food, fat and fitness. I'm also sure most guys would have done the same thing.  The only time I am thinking about food as a negative only happens when I've eaten so much that I can't zip up my jeans and I have to go out. I'm all about food. If I could I would be a full time eater-of-food...or maybe a food critic...hmmm...

Now, let's change the POV.  What about women? What thoughts cross their minds when a situation such as this happens to them?

Welcome to Why Weight. This show definitely speaks to women and how they perceive themselves from the experiences of Maddi (Hazel Venzon), our little hungry star.

First off, Hazel Venzon as Maddi is awesome in this production. She fully commits to her character and her performance is enjoyable to watch. The story is written well and it gives Hazel the full spectrum of emotions to work with. It is a fun, laugh out loud comedy layered with energy and at times sad, introspective awareness.

As we watched Maddi reveal her story to us I could see her journey provoking thoughts with all the women in the audience. Weight, Food and (overboard) Fitness have become some of the unnecessary evils that has plagued women in modern times, especially in a culture like ours. This show gives us a few examples of how Maddi takes ridiculous steps which gives the audience a moment to relax and laugh at these choices while at the same time it balances out the heavier, realistic issues that women and in the end Maddi faces.

I recommend this as a great introduction for people who are not theatre socialites and want to see what a good live performance is. This show is definitely made for women, but it's funny enough for guys to enjoy as well. It actually might help men understand the craziness we see when it comes to female emotional responses. Oh and guys, pay attention cuz there are a few lines in there that will save your life.

A side note:
I went to the first show which was much later than the rest of the scheduled time for this coming week. The Cultch lives around Commercial Drive, which has awesome selection of restaurants, tapas, pubs and if you must, coffee shops. So I recommend to go to the Drive a bit early (maybe a girls night out thing), check out the fine establishments, get down with your bohemian self, have a bite to eat and then enjoy the show without feeling guily about having that dessert.

By Victor Terzis