The Rockstar + Me
The lighting was basic and the stool was black
In Studio 16 that night.
There's a man in shorts and a T-shirt on stage
Telling his story just right.
There was evil early on and there was triumph by and by
And a film actor made his stage debut.
Oh and we heard about his childhood and all the things that were hard
And how a rockstar helped get him through.
The story was simple, and just the right length.
C. Ernst Harth was the only one that we saw
and he was directed by his friend
Anthony Harrison told him what to do
and it could have been less standing up.
The story spoke for itself and he maybe moved too much
but that's what happens with a stage debut
I'm glad I got out
and I went to see this show
I really love Meatloaf's music too.
So go check it out, one night together
because you never really know
you might find your rockstar too.
Writer's note: This review is set to the lyrics of the first two verses of Bat out of Hell by Meatloaf. For a more holistic review reading experience, listen to that song while reading it. Also, Meatloaf is awesome so just listen to him because.