Plasticity Now

Performance Art, Puppetry -

Don’t miss Plasticity Now! The show is produced and performed by Mind of a Snail Puppet Co., a shadow puppet duo, and is being performed at the Waterfront Theatre, on Granville Island.

Chloé Ziner and Jessica Gabriel go as far back as the beginning of life on Earth, to show us the origins of plastic and how much of this polymer is part of our lives and how much pollution is involved in its production. Although it won’t probably show you anything you don’t already know, it works as a powerful reminder of the huge quantity of plastic we consume and the effects of its often inappropriate disposal.

It’s also notable that all puppets were created using plastic waste, and all the soundtrack and sound effects were created using what Chloé and Jessica call “wastruments”, which included bucket drums and straw whistles.

After the performance, Chloé and Jessica come to the front of the stage to show a few of the puppets, explaining how the shadow effect is created and answer questions from the audience.

I highly recommend Plasticity Now!

By Felipe Mascarenhas