Peter ‘n Chris Explore Their Bodies - Surprisingly Not a Kids Show OR Soft Core Porn!

Epic music starts off this epic adventure. I LOVED Peter ‘n Chris Explore Their Bodies. I am a product of my generation; I love self-conscious comedy complete with references to all my favourite movie genres.
This style of comedy is tricky. It so often collapses into chaos about half way through. This duo kept it going right through to the end and tied it up with a nice big bow. You know it’s going to be a silly show when the first scene ends with an actor illustrating the zoom in of the camera with his hands, but with such a talented pair, you can just sit back and enjoy the ride!
Expertly navigating that fine line between loving what you’re doing on stage and downright corpsing (laughing as yourself, not as the character, it’s death on stage), Peter and Chris take you on a surprisingly well-crafted, no illusions about what they can and can’t do (except possibly keep up that evil voice for the whole run without going hoarse) adventure.
The gazillion characters are all well defined and maintained. Awful groaners and clever jokes alike are delivered with obstinately straight faces and they keep the energy building right to the end. The logic of the story might be all over the place, but they stay within it, even when presented with potentially distracting unforeseen circumstances. The subject matter may be light and frivolous, and the actors might be having a great time, but they also have an admirable commitment to their craft.
Technical note: and I think this was a result of having to light a lot of shows off the same grid in a small venue, the lighting was distractingly patchy. Not just dark spots, but different colours too. Sometimes it looked intentional, others not. I’m sure most people didn’t even notice.
I have so much more to say, but I don’t want to ruin your experience. Go see this show. It’s fantastic fun.