New Conformity – Masterful and Enchanting - with a Twist!

I wish I'd had a chance to see this show earlier in the festival so I could have told everyone I know to see it, although I looked them up and it looks like they're touring the show, so check out for future dates.

I had heard one of the performers describe the show during a flyering on graville island as “juggling as you've never seen it before”. He wasn't kidding. I would describe The New Conformity as something of a hybrid between juggling, dance and stunt choreography.

With a thought provoking narrative, social commentary, impressive skill and clownish humour, this show really captivated my heart. And the troupe was so tight; every moment precise from a flick of the fingers to walking the stage, even their flubs looks sharp, sometimes you couldn't tell if something was dropped on purpose or not (some were for sure) but even when balls did go awry they were picked up in step, on beat and back with a smoothness that only comes from a ridiculous amount of rehearsal and strong chemistry between performers.

I will definitely be catching every show by this company that comes to town. I hear they're doing some sort of Gothic Nutcracker in winter, that should be fun.

By Danielle Benzon