There is something quite special in seeing a good Canadian play for the first time; especially when it features two fine Canadian actors at the top of their game.

Canadian theatre tackling the raw issues of the day. Nicola Cavendish in Mrs. Dexter & Her Daily. Photo by David Cooper.

OK, I have been in Debt; many of us have and many of us still are.

The cast of DEBT - the Musical.

Fun and frivolity come to mind. I have to admit, I really enjoy a good musical. I like the new ones, the oldies and the goldies.

Aaron Lau, Cathy Wilmot and David Nicks belt them out in Forbidden Broadway

Edward Albee is one of my heroes. His dialogue is heightened, verging on the poetic, but maintains a ring of naturalistic authenticity to it.

Meg Roe, Craig Erickson, Gabrielle Rose, and Kevin McNulty from Blackbird's production of an Albee classic
