ryan gladstone

Ryan Gladstone of Monster Theatre is a Fringe favourite, and for good reason: solid creative writing, great performing, and timing. And for this show you get an important Canadian history lesson. Can you say #notboring. He's done a lot of research on Louis Riel and transformed the various versions of, “Who was the real Riel?” into a fun and informative show.

Adding to the excitement before he started the show, he held up his cell and said it could go off...

If I could have babies, I would have Ryan Gladstone's babies. His babies would be funny, talented, and would attempt things that no mere mortal would ever dare try. Imagine if we populated an entire Fringe with his talented, crazy, babies - people would be entertained for weeks on end and never get bored of the shenannigans his babies would get into. Unless we clone him now, we do have the technology, I hear. Anyway, let's move on to talking about the show itself because my imagination is running away with me and thinking about how many babies Ryan should...

He is so talented and stuff

The hypothesis that the works of Shakespeare were penned by someone other than the Bard himself is hardly new or shocking; the academic world is fairly glutted with advocates of the point. Monster Theatre’s The Shakespeare Show offers a fairly lighthearted approach to this age-old scandal, telling a theoretical tale of how the talented and conflicted Earl of Oxford used an illiterate horseholder named Shakespeare to vicariously express his theatrical passions.

The Shakespeare Show