Who’s Afraid of Tippy Seagram? Not Vancouver

Who's Afraid of Tippi Seagram? Not Team Plank - we like wildlife too

You find yourself in a room with an endangered species. Is it a polar bear? No. A cougar? ...Maybe. Actually, it’s the Canadian female stand-up comic. Who’s Afraid of Tippy Seagram? is Zsa Zsa’s looks mixed with Ab Fab writing, and it works.

Colette Kendall is Tippi Seagram, an over-the-hill alcoholic former b-screen star who wittily cuts apart the Hollywood set – from Anna Nicole’s “carbon dating” to the puppy... I mean baby... I mean third-world baby... fashion accessories.

Who’s Afraid of Tippi Seagram? is to theatre what beach lit is to summers. It was fun, but how do you review a stand-up comic who goes over the Hollywood gossip? Kendall is enjoyable and at ease, moving effortlessly between gags. She manages to poke fun at everyone in the audience, the country and especially on the silver screen.

Company: Colette Kendall

For more information and to join in the debate slide over here.

By Miranda Huron