Trialogue - A Conversation of Three

Trialogue is written by Carolyn Nakagawa and directed by Marisa Smith.
Nneka Croal, Leslie Dos Remedios and Claire Hesselgrave are reading the parts to an engaged trialogue. The piece in progress was beautifully read and acted by the three women.
Take an old story, break it open, and see what comes out. The three women embody fragments of a myth. What does it mean to tell a story, to tell a story while being a woman, to appear before and with others on stage? It was the story of me, you and her. I think ‘Me’ wanted to tell the story of a canadian woman traveling to Germany to meet her love. But found rape, was rescued and is now working on healing. ‘You’ was tossed about the two ends of the spectrum of love’s cruelty and the ultimate love in the song of songs of the Bible. ‘Her’ was questioning what it was all about and contemplated what Procne, the wife of King Tereus in Greek Mythology knew of love. Her sister raped and her tongue torn out, so she could not reveal the crime. All stories were told in small segments, intertwined, connected yet separate.
It felt like a beach ball was being tossed about. Every time it touched the fingertips, each reader questioned what or why or if they were playing? A few times the audience was tantalised to play along…but not really. Was ‘Me’ hitting on ‘You’? ‘Would you let me love you?’
The piece flowed, but I was not sure where.