A Superhero Delight

They Are Awesome!

When you can’t rely on the "1%" to solve the world’s problems, to whom do you turn?  Why of course…

The 0.00001% - The Superhero Boy Band….The MOST powerful, the MOST flamboyant, the MOST provocative, the MOST spandex, the SUPERHERO BOY BAND!

This show is outrageous, blasphemous and very very funny!!!

Young superheroes - Magnum, Cptn Slip'nSlide, and Exacto  struggle to save the world from the faceless perils of terror! Our heroes tumble head over heels, into the world , bashing apart the binaries of good and evil in their grueling quest to save the world!!!

                ***COME IN COSTUME FOR A FREE DRINK***
Don your spandex, masks, and capes. And of course - put your underpants on last.

The italics paragraph is a bastardization of promotion publicity for this highly entertaining production of The Superhero Boy Band. If you are into going out for an evening of randy fun, amazed laugher, and want to watch the actual literal birth of three superheros, and you want to come as a superhero yourself, and wear spandex (and note all – our newly born heroes look absolutely fabulous in their spandex!) - with the possibility of a free drink, this is the show for you!

This article is less of a traditional review than my expression of delight at the outrageousness of this show put on by the three onstage superheroes (not to be confused with the equally outrageous audience member superheroes) – who when not fighting the forces of evil - are Vancouver’s Dusty Flowerpot Cabaret members Alastair Knowles and Aaron Malkin,  with  friend Islando Bocock of Bellingham’s Dream Science Circus.

All are multi talented performers using a mash-up of interactive theatre, and acrobatic clowning with a variety of props including- but certainly not limited to – three two meter long sperm heads. The sperm tails on the heads are wonderfully flexible and used skillfully by the performers.  This alone is worth the price of admission.

All graduates of the clowning school Fantastic Space run by David MacMurry- Smith, this performance has the outrageous and stunning buffoonery that MacMurry-Smith cultivates. You need to be there to see the first bit of the show to believe what Knowles, Malkin and Bocock are capable of …and I have already mentioned the sperm heads!

I overheard gossip that this show has been accepted in the 2012 Edmonton production of the Fringe Festival.  I hope they are also going to be able to perform here as well.

As I mentioned this show is more of a work shop production than a finished production – but in this case - who cares. It is outrageous fun. And audience chairs were cleared away at the end for a dance party….how can it get better?

Great fun. Go if you can, go. December 17th is the last performance, at least for the moment. 



By Debbie Blair