Quack Quack Penis - Two Odd Ducks
Actors acting about being actors risks getting a little dry, but it beats writers writing about being writers. Lara (Lara Deglan) is sharp and funny and full of charm. She also has a lovely singing voice which she makes great use of. Peter (Peter Swayles) is also charming. He's decidedly English, and most of his humour is oddly anachronistic, with references to Princess Diana and the annex of Poland. Still, he generally carries it off, and his role as the love interest affords him a few adorable moments.
The play is personal in its content, but the plot is more or less your standard-issue buddy comedy. Laura (Laura Shortt) loses her boyfriend and has to move in with her best friend Lara. While there, they agree on a “safe word” in case their cohabitation gets too intense — the titular phrase, ‘Quack Quack Penis.’ In between a series of sketch-like sequences involving warm banter about art, music, and the life of an amateur actor, Laura's attempted courtship of new acquaintance Peter fails when he becomes smitten with Lara. This and the strain of Laura's personal habits threaten their friendship.
This is a cozy production. It seemed that everyone knew each other well and the actors are very comfortable on stage. After the show, Deglan went about distributing appropriately thematic candy. Quack Quack Penis is a labour of love with considerable wit and charm.