Public Confessions of a Public Servant: Missie Peters Makes it Work
If there's a "Local-girl-makes-good" Cinderella story at this year's Fringe it's Missie Peters' Public Confessions of a Public Servant. Peters managed to pack the Victoria Event Centre on a Tuesday night, only her third show of the festival. Confessions is also her first Fringe perrformance.
Peters may just be the hardest working woman in the Victoria arts scene. From Spoken Word to improv, from hosting to producing, Missie seems downright ubiquitous, so it should come as no surprise that she has also shown up at the Fringe to deliver her very impressive debut.
In a town like Victoria a show about soul-sucking government desk jobs has a built in audience.The two words, "Data Entry", were enough to elicit groans of sympathy for this worker drone. The Confessions' set folds out to reveal the dreaded cubicle, and for the rest of the show Missie inhabits the space with a one-woman variety show: Story-telling. Dancing. Poetry.
In lesser hands this could have been an unholy mess, but, as Missie lets us know, she's a hard worker, and good at what she does. Peters' love of language is playful and engaging. Her hope eternal. Her aim true.
Public Confessions of a Public Servant is curently on as part of this year's Victoria Fringe. For more information go public here.