Peter n' Chris Save The World: kinetic theatre
The new Peter n' Chris show Peter n' Chris Save The World! may indeed have enough energy to actually save the planet. Or at least the Victoria Fringe.Not that the Fringe needs saving - just yet. With over 60 shows and some seventeen venues the Victoria Fringe seems healthier than ever.
Pity the poor Fringers though, they have to decide what shows to see, and when to see them. I was so overwhelmed myself that I ended up at the Pn'C by mistake, thinking there was another show at the same venue. No one to blame but myself, as I just wasn't reading the schedule correctly. A fortunate mistake. As it turned out, I happened upon Peter n"Chris' opening show. Luckily for the rest of you there are five more chances to see these guys tear up the stage.
Peter n' Chris Save The World! is a lightening paced comedy that blurs by its audience at such speed there may be victims of whiplash. And convulsive laughter. The show is relentless. You can't fight it. It's just too strong. You might was well just hold on for the ride. With a plot that feels like a pinball machine set on "Tilt", these two guys are off and running (and dancing) right from the start, and they never let up. With few props (a couple of umbrellas) and even less costume changes (a scarf) this is pure kinetic theatre conjured seemingly out of thin air, and let loose on stage like a bottle rocket filled with funny. Sight gags. Silly sound effects. Ridiculous characters. Bizarre conversations. Absurd situations. And lots and lots of running.
If you like your shows clever and manic this is the one to catch. If you can.
Peter n' Chris Save The World! And you'll be glad they did!
Peter n' Chris Save the World! is on as part of the Victoria Fringe for more information go here.