Orange is the New Blank - Engaging and Fun

Fringe Description: FUNNY

There's a new inmate at the penitentiary who's just learning the ropes. Anything could happen. 

My experience with improv theatre is limited to a few Fringe shows that had me laughing all the way through, but now I couldn't tell you what I had been laughing about. It is very much an in-the-moment performance style. The ensemble behind Orange is the New Blank does an excellent job of having that momentary humour as well as creating a story that is worth remembering, which is no small feat. And that story will be different every night.

The preview performance on August 29th began with character back stories which were suggested by the audience. These included a runcible spoon and a novel that the intended actress had never read. The actors then improvised a story which had fairly even involvement from each character and a sufficiently satisfying ending, while also taking us to various locations within the penitentiary. I was highly impressed with how well they remembered the details of the characters and the increasingly elaborate plot. Future audiences will not be witness to the cook with a citrus fixation or the teamwork benefits of building a brick-filled snowman, but I am confident that this troupe will provide equally hilarious scenarios during its Fringe run.

The show was engaging and fun, the actors worked well together, and the audience really enjoyed themselves.

By Beth Busby