MATCHSTICK a not-very-fairytale musical

Genre definition = Funny · Intense · Musical

I left this musical theatre offering from Theatre Howl, Saskatoon, SK, with mixed feelings. [WARNING SPOILER: I won’t give away any details specifically, except to say that there are spoilers to give away].

Matchstick is the coming-of-age love story between a girl from an undesirable country and boy from the land of freedom and opportunity. The story is told with music, drama and a simple set made of projected ink drawings, instruments, photos and tin cans. The music is all the best parts of Canadian singer-songwriter folk. The melodies were lovely and the lyrics poetic and poignant. The songs linger in my memory. 

Matchstick is very well staged. Props and set were used seamlessly and add just enough to enhance the story without taking anything away. There was just the right balance of drama and music.  Lauren Holfeuer and Nathan Howe deliver a variety of characters with enchanting voices, charm and wit. The story is simple, fantastic yet comforting and assuring in the way only a fairy tale can be.

But at a certain point in the story the fantasy becomes reality and the biographical nature of the story is revealed. I felt cheated by the harsh reality of the ending because the fairy tale that drew me in with such enchantment and hope was crushed, but perhaps that’s the point. Perhaps the value is matching the storytelling form to the story arc - yet it lost some heart. All this being said, I didn’t give away the spoiler because I think, if you love a good story, and excellent music, you should find out what the twist is for yourself.

By Kristina Lemieux