The Lost Sole: sock loses partner and joins conga line

The Lost Sole or the view from the spaceship when you land on Planet Plank

A mor-elastic tale about the search for one’s perfect match….. told by sock puppets.

This half-hour story takes us on a journey from the household dryer to the big, lonely city and beyond. We meet all the mismatched foot sleeves one could imagine, as they seek to demonstrate their own importance by snubbing the newly “singled” Al, and making his life a living hell. The wooly protagonist must search for his own meaning, having lost “purpose” when witnessing the death of his life mate Gary. (A renegade toonie took him out in the dryer). Does he find it? Perhaps.

A reworked script from their Walking Fish Festival debut earlier this year, Lost & Found Puppet Co have made some great improvements. But not all the holes get darned. The moral narrative moves along with solid steps. Al sets out on his journey of discovery, he meets many different individuals along the way. He tries to adapt and change himself to fit in and find a new mate. He is rejected and must come to terms with it. Through a conversation with a painting, he does. Once this happens, Al is inexplicably transported away from the antagonists of Argyle, presented with the choice of past, present or future and…….?  I’m not quite sure what result his decision brings. A happy ending complete with conga line occurs, leaving me a little confused as to what we’re supposed to be learning. Perhaps it was the painting’s wisdom: “None of this really matters.” Despite some truly silly dialogue, I think it does.

Employing all the funky socks your little niece wishes she had, along with some great shadow play cut-outs, L&FPCo bring over 20 characters to life, including “weird” bird and some great “professional footwear.” Some themes may be adult, but the language is clean and the kids would love it. Hey, they need culture too.

For more information and a place to sock it to this production go here.

By Sean Tyson