Glowing: A Reproduction Production - Manifest Destiny

Genre Description = Funny · Warm and Fuzzy · Intimate

Glowing explores adoption, infertility, morning sickness and the sudden desire for a child at 40. When I attended, there were around 60 people in the house. These people sprung to their feet as soon as the show finished showering Mary-Jo Dionne and her repressed subconscious, Andrea Polz, with applause. I can see why they may have liked it. The show is well written, emotional, authentic, delivered with expert timing and funny. I heard some people say it was the best show they've seen so far. 

Alas it was not for me. I have an abnormal knowledge of adoption and adoption law as I placed my child for open adoption 10 years ago. Through the work I have done with my family and for both birthmothers and soon-to-be adoptive parents I have seen and participated many things that have shown me a side of hope that is hard to explain. In the Western World we have come to assume that we deserve the right to reproduce. Some of us, due to our privilege and financial means, can make that happen no matter what the costs, whether that be fertility treatments, international adoption or private adoption. And that troubles me.  

In my over 10 year journey with these issues, I am still yet to articulate exactly that trouble, it’s something to do with the ownership of another being, the seeing of an ‘other’ as ours or seeing ourselves reflected back to us in the face of an ‘other.’ Mary-Jo Dionne has clearly lived a life of privilege, love and joy and I think likely she has the best of intentions for changing the world for the better. But I felt sick, worried and angry.

I’ll give this as a test if this is your cup of tea – if you would be amused by a friend posting a picture of their newborn on Facebook with the caption “Dial 911 someone just overdosed on cuteness” I think you’ll love this show.    

By Kristina Lemieux