Fringe Review Team Top Picks Thus Far

Betwen us, the Plank Review Team has seen every single show at the 2016 Vancouver Fringe Festival. Like you, we all have different tastes, so we thought a few of us would share our favourites thus far. We'll have a more complete list from the full team after the festival, but here's a little something to help whet your whistle.
If you're having trouble with the Fringe's regular website, the ticket site still seems to be working:
Julia Fox
Walk the Talk - innovative and artsy to the max
Generation Hot Program B - 3 amazing shows in 1 about a very current topic
Mind Games - masterful mentalism
Elena Krasnova
Bella Culpa - so funny and well performed! The best experience on Fringe!
Piaf & Brel - so well sung! Beautiful music beautifully performed!
The Dance Teacher - sheds light on the very difficult issue of child abuse
Mary Bennet
Peripeteia - creative, outdoor, women of all ages and their turning points
Space Hippo - weird and silly in a good way; beautiful shadow puppets (over 200 of them)
Orbweaver - multicultural playful and skillful
Danielle Benzon
"Ze" Queer as Fuck - a playful, gentle, inclusive approach to a topical issue
Does Not Play Well with Others - PUPPETS! dynamic use of media and stage, great chemistry between the performers
Berlin Waltz - poetic, deep, whimsical, will give you a personal sense of history and perspective on the future
The Nether - juicily uncomfortable questions, relevant to the affect technology has on our psychology
Everything is Fine - simple, strong storytelling, matter-of-fact vulnerability
Note from Danielle: I did my top five because I've seen so much already this Fringe. I invite you to list your 3 (or 5) favs to date and why you liked them below.