Deadley: death all over the place


Death is the uncommon theme of this medley of pieces; hence, the name: "Deadley" = "medley" + "death". Nursery rhyme puppet-play is juxtaposed with behind-the-scenes SNAFUs in Heaven and more poignant scenes of everyday experiences of death; there are even a few musical numbers. In other words, the collection is a little all over the place.

What holds the production together is less the script than the solid chemistry between the two actors: Gabriel Carter and Shauna Johannesen (also the author) as they played against each other, constantly changing roles. Ms. Johannesen leads the piece subtly and well, and Mr. Carter does an admirable job supporting her while sharing his own skill. A compliment is also likely due to Elizabeth McLaughlin for her physical coaching, as the two actors' blocking and body language supported the piece well.

I applaud Ms. Johannesen's effort to create something unique which paints death with varied colours, but it would take significantly more powerful writing to pull if off.

Deadley is on as part of this year's Vancouver Fringe. For more information go here.

By Kyira Korrigan