Dreams and Desires

[img_assist|nid=295|title=Dreams and Desires|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=288|height=288]Company: Shiney Object Creative
Duration: 55 minutes
Studio 16

“Did she or didn’t she? That’s what they all ask when they think I’m not listening.” Elizabeth struggles on the margins of sanity, on the dreamlike boundary between fantasy and reality, as she attempts to come to terms with her past. Issues of identity, history and the meaning of love, desire and relationship are examined as Elizabeth plumbs her dreams and memories for clues to where she is and what has happened to her. Sometimes poetic and dreamy and sometimes tragic, this woman’s story is every woman’s story. Or is it?


Sep 4 - 8:00 PM
Sep 5 - 10:30 PM
Sep 6 - 8:30 PM
Sep 10 - 6:45 PM
Sep 13 - 10:30 PM
Sep 14 - 5:30 PM

For more information drift off over here.

Read the Plank Review.
