The Power of Ignorance
75 minutes

Chris Gibbs (London, UK)
Venue 7 Victoria College of Art + Design UCW (950 Kings near Quadra)
If you don't know who you are, you can be anyone you want to. Join Vaguen, master of ignorance and motivational speaker ordinaire, and learn how to stop thinking and start living! "One of the funniest shows I've seen in years. Cleverly written and beautifully performed, The Power of Ignorance is satirical comedy at its finest." 5 Stars - Times Colonist.
SHOW TIMES • SAT, AUG 29 2:15 PM • SUN, AUG 30 7:30 PM • FRI, SEP 04 6:00 PM • SAT, SEP 05 7:45 PM • SUN, SEP 06 1:30 PM
Read Mike Vardy's PLANK Review.
And you can also check out Alina Cerminara's Plank Review.