ruby slippers

Hotel Bethlehem is a must see this holiday season, especially if you want a break from the syrupy sweet rhetoric of Christmas-themed stories. It is refreshing to see a play that is funny, clever and sometimes teetering on the edge of appropriateness. The premise of the play is to tell the story behind the story, what was going on at the inn in Bethlehem the day that Jesus was born. The next 110 minutes is a fast paced, witty combination of farce and satire.

As any farce would dictate, physical humour is in attendance including the proverbial multiple entrances and...


The anticipation of seeing my very first Ruby Slippers Theatre production was only fuelled more when I saw the set. Consisting of an elaborate network of doors and levels - already I could feel the exceptional production values of this production. With almost a full house surrounding me, I had a very good feeling about what I was about to see. I first thought this was going to be a serious play, but to my delight Drew McCreadie delivers a wiz bang of farcical humour, a sprinkle of slapstick and a healthy dollop of laugh out loud humour!


John Murphy & Jennifer Mawhinney in Hotel Bethlehem (photo credit: Tim Matheson)