
Now, going into this show, I already knew it might be something of a challenge to connect to for those uninitiated to the rave and music festival scene. Having been to several music festivals of the type that he was telling about, I thought I was prepared. But as Michael Moore began with his one man show, I realized that I was in for a trip I didn’t want to be on.

Moore played many different characters, including himself, to tell a true story of his life of partying and his disdain for the mundane life adult-ier adults...

In a subgenre known for its distinguished wackiness, The After After Party ups the ante of the classic ‘hangover plot’ where close friends try to reconstruct the gory, glorious, and ever-elusive details of Last Night. In a script loaded with rapid-fire non sequiturs, crosses-the-line-twice shock comedy, and excessive blunt force trauma to the fourth wall, Katey Hoffman and Cheyenne Mabberley deliver an inspiring performance as a pair of twelfth graders just trying to find their way to the next party (while debating the metaphysics of which parties have an ‘after’ relationship to which).

Hoffman shines as Fiona, possessed...

Grey with blackened edges. Mark Hughes’ life reads like a modern reboot mashup of Lost Weekend, Reefer Madness, The River’s Edge and Sleepers. Or maybe Breaking Bad with less horrific murder.

Tragedy + Time Served = Comedy was dramaturged by TJ Dawe, whom Hughes considers his mentor in getting this riveting monologue together. From the opening narration that describes the imperfect social construct that is the corrections and criminal justice system, to Hughes’ willingness to work with the reaction of his audience, this is an experience that few will forget or fail to be moved by.

It’s almost hard to...

Mark Hughes

We've all done stupid, stupid things. That’s how learning happens. MacLeod’s cosy set delivered in discrete acts highlighting different lessons learned in self-regulation, thematically reinforced by the musical number, courtesy of the Heartbreakers. I Had Sex Until My Heart Stopped is well-choreographed and tastefully lit.

A monologue starting from a cozy set more than a little reminiscent of Zach Galifianakis's Between Two Ferns, MacLeod relays the possibly questionable decisions made in the throes of youthful exuberance and under the influence of… many, many things. Each vignette has an epithetic moral that brings laughs, knowing head nods and sounds of recognition from the...

Cameron MacLeod