boca del lupo

The day after I saw Capsule, I headed back to the Boca Del Lupo studio to catch their other fifteen minute show, Value Village. This play is perhaps the best experience I have had at the Fringe for quite a few years. It is short, direct, and involves a great deal of improvisation - always a risky prospect if you don’t have a strong enough actor. Luckily, the actor they have for this show is amazing.

To explain what I mean, here is the set up before the show.  An audience member chooses an object tacked on a board outside...

Buy it and live it

Capsule is fifteen minute short about two astronauts lost in space. They have been out in space for some time (orbiting Jupiter) and have not had any communication from Earth for quite some time.  The two astronauts eventually meet up and chat, one providing the other with more information about the fate of our planet.  As the story progresses, we learn that zombies or “face rapers” have taken over the world and most (if not all) of the world’s population is gone. As the hope of rescue evaporates, this leads to some discussion about how the characters will take control...

What are you looking at?

What a blast! Dance, Music and Theatre all in one fun-filled, entertaining, work-out evening.  

A Harbourfront commission presented by Boca del Lupo, Bluemouth Inc. out of Toronto and New York, has created a unique and exciting event. Based on marathon dances that started up in the 1920’s and 30’s, where people struggled for days to stay on their feet to win the competition, Bluemouth has re-created a mini version for us to enjoy in one evening.

Not really knowing what to expect and dragging my husband along, who was worried he would...

Dance Marathon