Temple of Khaos - Laugh-Out-Loud Zaniness

Comedy, Cabaret, Clown, Physical Theatre, All Ages - http://www.danielnimmo.com/

It takes a minute to get used to the frantic, chaotic silliness of the players (I want to say performers, but players seems more appropriate) in Temple of Chaos… but when you stop trying to figure it out and just let the chaos wash over you, it might just become your favorite show of the Fringe this year.
This show plays with dramatic conventions in original and very entertaining ways. Fringe performances may be notorious for breaking the fourth wall, but this show may have actually found a fifth – and brought it down with a sledgehammer.

Oh, yes. The plot. Let’s see: people from the future “retell” a story of a crazy monster that threatens humanity in the 1980s. An oracle tells people that they must summon a space alien to rescue them. The space alien comes down, defeats the monster and becomes savior of the world, in the process losing the great romantic love of his life, who is also his sister.

That just covers the bare basics, but you get an idea of what’s going on here. The actors transition through a number of roles (including themselves, sort of – it’s hard to explain), in the process introducing us to very lovable and not always entirely hygienic characters. Lots of physical comedy, but also plenty of really well-timed gags that succeed with pluck and personality. They’re clearly having fun on stage and keep the audience engaged.

 This show is silly, hilarious and beautiful. Just enjoy it.

By Jonathon Narvey