Spookeasy - Underprepared

I have a lot of sympathy for the first show of the first day, especially since there are only 3 hours of technical rehearsal for fringe artists, but the performers of Spookeasy on September 10th did not make it easy. Starting a show expecting applause will get you off on the wrong foot with me every time. As will breaking character to apologize/complain about your own show multiple times, insulting the audience and hideously missing your light (as in leaning OUT of the spotlight).

That said, in spite of all the disastrous technical issues, the troupe kept their energy up throughout the show and they were obviously working hard to make the best of a bad situation. The stunts were impressive within themselves, I personally am not interested in how well someone can crack a whip, but I get that's a taste thing and the skill should be acknowledged regardless.

When I read the show description in the program, some other reviewer called Spookeasy "sophisticated". I wonder if it was a different show. I can imagine a different incarnation that was more well organized and well rehearsed being called fun, quirky or energetic, even whimsical, but with all the teenage-boy humour and cowboy tricks, "sophisticated" is not a word I would ever have used. There was some pretty awesome and atmospheric shadow puppetry, which was surprisingly well put together given the haphazard nature of the rest of the show. 

I can’t blame all the failures on technical difficulties and lost props. There were bits that were obviously just not rehearsed or thought through. And there were moments of brilliance. Personally, I'd cut the frame story and the faux social commentary, go more fully into any of the more solid choices. Make it a kids show, or proper vaudeville and just do the songs and shadow puppets. Or make it a proper "adult humour" sketch comedy, there’s a huge market for that if the jokes are tightened up.

Despite my moaning, Spookeasy has a lot of potential, but first the scissors must come out.

By Danielle Benzon