Braced - We All Have Our Own Growing Up Stories

Genre Definition = Funny · Tear-Jerker · Intimate

Remember when you started out in highschool. Some of us remember it well, some of us not so much and some of us probably don’t want to remember. The teenage years for most people seem awkward and emotionally taxing. We all had our own story growing up.  In Braced we find a story of a young girl just about to start that crazy ride, but also having scoliosis to deal with as well.

This is a great show for those who have someone in their lives that maybe are going through the same thing. I recommend young women to see this as well as it may shed some light if not the exact issue then the growing pains aspect as it performed very well and could be helpful as a guide in some way.

Rebecca Steele gives a strong and heartwarming performance and using her own personal teen years as a template she has taken snapshots of moments in her life and brought it onto the stage for us to take in.  Rebecca also manages to tiptoe her way through each character and transition between them all with believability.

For more info about Rebecca and Braced click here to check out the website.


By Victor Terzis