UPDATE for Playhouse Theatre Closure (courtesy of Facebook)

Allyson McGrane
Playhouse not FOREVER

I received an invitation via Facebook to a Vancouver Playhouse Rally planned for tonight at 7pm the Vancouver Playhouse to honour the company's history on the night of its final performance. The suggestion is for those attending to wear white, bring flashlights to shine at the theatre and show solidarity.  Why? A Keep the Lights on at the Playhouse Campaign.  It's suggested that those concerned need to tell the board that:  "We try to DO something as a community and not let the Board just close the doors without hearing from us......"

Second thing on Facebook this morning... I noted a comment from Chelsea McPeake Carlson to a post from Andrew Templeton. (He's recently left Vancouver for the greener pastures of Toronto - coincidence?) Chelsea linked to a PDF document which outlines Max Reimer's reponse to the media coverage of last year's municipal bailout of the Vancouver Playhouse. Have a look at it - the PDF tells much about the relationship of the City and the Vancouver Playhouse Company. And remember that as Chelsea noted on Facebook: "In the interest of being current, since this was written - the terms the City agreed to were not all implemented and no operating grant was actually given."

And perhaps the most interesting part of this to me is that the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival is THRIVING - and plans to continue operations into 2013. What does THAT say about Vancouver?