Are you in Theatre? Are you disgruntled but still devoted? Then you need this

Andrew Templeton
Phelim McDermott from London's Improbable Theatre

A few years ago, as part of their Assembly initiative, the PuSh Festival invited Phelim McDermott from London's Improbable Theatre to run the entire event following the rules of "Open Space Technology", something he'd done successfully in both the UK and elsewhere in the world. In short, Open Space empowers participants themselves to decide on the topics they wish to discuss rather than following a program set by the conference organizers. I loved it and remember at the time wishing that a wider representation from the theatre community had participated. At the time there was talk of replicating what Improbable does in London - holding a regular, monthly session for the theatre community - but this never happened (and I'm as guilty as anyone).

Well, thanks to GVPTA, McDermott is back in Vancouver along with his colleague Matilda Leyser to run a second open space forum for this year's annual Making a Scene conference. I urge you, if you haven't booked already, to attend. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't do flakey well but what McDermott does is far from flakey: it is an effective way of getting the issues that matter to both individuals and groups onto the table and it is a process that is fabulously empowering. Do you have an idea for a show but not sure how to make it happen, then Open Space gives you a way to seek advice from others; are you frustrated about the funding crisis and want to do something but don't know how, again Open Space provides a place to start planning for action; do you have an idea that you think could revolutionize theatre in Vancouver, again this is a forum to express that idea: do you think PLANK Magazine is a joke and you know how to fix it, then put the call out and let me and my colleagues know - we'll be there.

Picking up on the theme that Improbable uses to define it's own annual and monthly series in the UK, this year's GVPTA conference is entitled:  “Devoted & Disgruntled: What are we going to do about theatre?” As Sue Porter from GVPTA says in the press release about the event: "Whatever your connection to theatre; on stage, back stage, off stage, on a board, as a critic, in the audience - you are invited to play a starring /supporting /cameo role and join the theatre community of BC in a weekend of networking, rubbing shoulders, sharing ideas, solving problems, brainstorming solutions and celebrating the theatre!

"GVPTA is opening its doors to all theatre lovers by hosting the Conference in an Open Space format and asking conference participants (audience, critics, teachers, scholars, artists, administrators, etc) if there are things in the theatre they are passionate about, things that tick them off, projects or proposals they would like to support, or if they simply want to connect with the theatre community and have their voice heard. All are possible because this year everyone is invited and the participants set the agenda. Nothing is off limits!"

The conference will be held at W2 Storyeum, 151 W. Cordova St, Vancouver, Nov. 26 & 27, 9:30am - 5:30pm.  To register and for further information contact 604 608 6799 or [email protected] or go here.

Please don't let the weather put you off from attending. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a morbid fear of snow - but I'm going to be there.